Adult Monday School

From the Director's Desk
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the MOCOP Adult Sunday School webpage. Though many churches no longer have Sunday school, we at Mt. Olive believe that Sunday school is still a vital part in the spiritual growth of the disciples of Jesus Christ, especially those who are new to the faith. Learning is an ongoing process in the life of every Christian. Therefore, Sunday school is that place where those who are mature in the faith and babes in the faith can ask questions and get them answered. To learn is to be effective for God's kingdom.
In Monday school, we get the chance to study both the Old and New Testament scriptures. Therefore, providing students an opportunity to become familiar with the different books of the Bible, stories, and biblical figures.
Currently, our Monday school class meets via Zoom each Monday at 7:00 pm. If you'd like to grow more spiritually this year and feel that the Holy Spirit is leading you to be a part of our Sunday school class, please email me at, and I will email you the weekly Zoom invites.
To learn more about the MOCOP Adult Sunday School, I encourage you to view the rest of our webpage.
In Christ's Service
Elder Quintrelle Griggs
MOCOP Adult Monday School Director
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path - Psalm 119:105
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.