MOCOP is a church that focuses on teaching the Word of God for life application. We believe that it is not enough just to know the word, you must also know where to, and how to, apply it to you daily life. It is at the point of application that the truth of God’s word becomes real to us. We teach the Word of God applied.
A Kingdom community where everyone feels valued and important.
Valued and Important
…knowing where I fit in the Body
…knowing my contribution to the Body
…understanding how my contribution adds value to others
…understanding why I’m important to Christ and His body
1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 18
To make God’s word R.E.A.L. to His people so that the entire body of Christ unites in purpose and power. (John 17:15-21)
“make God’s word REAL to His people” = teach God’s truth = brings sanctification
“unites in purpose” = oneness = make them one
“power” = evidence of Christ = so the world will know God sent Jesus
Here at Mount Olive, we believe in the cleansing of the believer by the Blood of Jesus, the teaching of the believer with the Word of God, and leading the believer by the Spirit of God. We believe in helping each member develop holistically. Members are encouraged to develop his or her ministry gifts according to 1 Corinthians 12:4, so that he/she can function in his/her rightful place in the Body of Christ.
Relevant…“Connecting biblical principles to life.”
Engaging…“Applying biblical solutions to the problems in our community”
Authentic…“Achieving genuine unity by addressing preconceived notions and prejudices through biblical truths”
Life-changing…“Affecting others through personal application of the truth”