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The Believers Form a Community

All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.  A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had.     Acts 2:42-44 New Living Translation (NLT)

  •  A group where you can make a personal connection to MOCOP

  •  A group where you can get to know people, to serve others, and to grow spiritually

  •  A group where you can get to share God’s story in your lives

  •  A group where you can do LIFE together

                 o L – Learn (learn to apply God’s Word to your life)
                 o I – Interaction (become involved with MOCOP)
                 o F – Fellowship (get to know each other)
                 o E – Encouragement (share what you’ve learned with others)

Life Groups are the glue of MOCOP, and they don’t happen without people like you who boldly step up to open their hearts, homes, and schedules to people around them. Life Groups are all about meaningful relationships, people growing, and communities changing. Life Groups consist of 8-20 people who come together as they are, seek transformation with God and one another, and make a difference as a team. Each Life Group has its own unique character and personality. Some are based on stage of life, others are gender-based, and still others are a diverse mixture. But each one is designed to help one another grow. We cannot flourish in isolation—we need each other if we want to experience life to the fullest. By getting to know others who are also seeking more of God, we believe each of us can become more of who God created us to be and learn to love God and others more deeply.


You are not assigned to a group, but are free to visit as many groups as you like to find a good fit. You don’t have to be a member of MOCOP to join a Life Group. In a large population, creating a sense of community and connecting with others is important. In the church, it’s crucial. Life Groups are small groups within the larger church in which people of similar interests take care of the “one another” in life. In a large church, it’s important that community exists in order for relationships to be real and relevant.


Each life group is developed with a Life Group plan. That plan ultimately helps each of us to grown stronger in this thing we call “life”. All groups fellowship, break bread, and pray together, based on the Apostle’s doctrine mentioned above in Acts 2:42-44.


  •  Talk Together
    All groups spend some time catching up with casual conversation.

  •  Eat Together
    Some groups enjoy coffee, a light snack, or even a meal when they get together.

  •  Have Fun Together
    Quite a few groups share an activity together like working out, riding motorcycles, yoga, or other hobbies. Some groups even have outings together.

  • Grow Together
    All groups make time to spur on spiritual growth through intentional discussions.

  •  Serve Together
    There are some groups that serve together at MOCOP and with local mission partners.

  •  Pray Together
    All groups share each other’s needs and pray together.


Life Groups meet the weeks following first and third Sundays. The list of various locations and Life Group leaders can be seen below:

  •  Monday – 7:30 PM (Richardson, TX) – Pastor Julio Pinto (214)445-7252

  •  Tuesday – 7:30 PM (Allen, TX) – Min. John & Eld. Cheryl Lewis (214)315-6172

  •  Wednesday – 7:00 PM (Plano, TX) – MOCOP

  •  Wednesday – 7:30 PM (Rowlett, TX) – Min. Sharon Jones (214)842-3659

  •  Thursday – 7:00 (Plano, TX) – Pastor Gloria Fenceroy (214)906-0006

  •  Thursday – 7:30 (Plano, TX) – Eld. Derrick Smith (214)450-8397


Our mission is to unite the Body of Christ (Galatians 3:28)


3275 Independence Parkway  

Plano, TX 75075




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© 2018 by MOCOP.

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