Welcome! We are honored that you visited our website today! Mt. Olive Church of Plano (MOCOP) is a church that understands the importance of Heaven’s greatest earthly agency/institution for accomplishing the will of God…His Church. Jesus said in Matthew 12:25 that “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” Through the process of time, the body of Christ, the Church, has become more and more divided. It is the mission of MOCOP to help other children of God understand that unity is the key to re-empowering the entire body of Christ and realizing God’s will for His Church.

At MOCOP, We understand that everyone who has accepted Christ is a vital part of His Body, His Church. We also recognize that not all people in the Body of Christ understands how valuable and important they are, and how they play a vital role in the world realizing the truth of Christ.
Our goal is to foster a Kingdom community of God’s children where every feels valued and important.
We want people to…
…know where they fit in the Body
…know their contribution to the Body
…understand how their contribution adds value to others
…understand why they are important to Christ and His body.
According to Galatians 3:28, “we are all one in Christ Jesus”, which means no person is more or less than the other. God values us all, and is looking for us to accomplish his will on Earth.

Here at MOCOP, we want to make the word of God REAL!
Relevant…“Connecting biblical principles to life.”
Engaging…“Applying biblical solutions to the problems in our community”
Authentic…“Achieving genuine unity by addressing preconceived notions and prejudices through biblical truths”
Life-changing…“Affecting others through personal application of the truth”

In John 17:21, Jesus prayed, “Father, make them one, as you and I are one, so the world will know you sent me.” In this prayer, Jesus let us know that the key to the world knowing and believing in Him is our ability to become ONE. Here at MOCOP, we want to unite the Body of Christ, His Church, in unity and purpose. We believe this will bring about the change that is needed in this world. Join us in making Jesus’ prayer a reality!