Senior Pastor - Dr. Sam Fenceroy
Dr. Sam Fenceroy was born in Wilmot, Arkansas, where he graduated from high school as a star athlete. After spending time in college, he joined the military. While in the military, he encountered racism. It was after this encounter he realized racism was more about pride than color.
After his stint in the military, he went into business in 1973. Within fourteen years, he owned a chain of twenty-three stores nationwide and a furniture manufacturing company. In 1984, he was called into ministry and rejected the call. Due to his decision, the business suffered great losses and sales dropped at a startling rate from 1984 to 1988. He lost $3 million and closed the last store in 1990.
In 1992, Sam graduated from Christ For The Nation Bible School. Three years later he received his Bachelors of Applied Arts and Science from Dallas Baptist University. In 2002, he received a Master of Theology from Christian Life School of Theology. His latest academic accomplishment was in 2017 when he received a Doctor of Divinity from Full Counsel Bible College.
He is currently the senior pastor of Mt. Olive Church of Plano (MOCOP) and a presbyter for the Christ For The Nation’s Fellowship of Ministries and Churches (FMC) in Dallas, Texas.
Pastor Fenceroy can also be heard each weekday on the Truth Made Simple radio broadcast at 5:25 pm on KGGR 1040 AM and on Vision & Truth Live each Sunday at 9:00 pm on KWRD 100.7 FM.
He is married to Pastor Gloria, and they have four adult daughters.

Assistant Senior Pastor - Pastor Gloria Fenceroy
Pastor Gloria Fenceroy is the assistant/co-pastor of the Mt. Olive Church of Plano. She is married to Samuel L. Fenceroy, the senior pastor of the Mt. Olive Church of Plano in Plano, Texas.
Pastor Gloria retired from the Dallas Independent School District after devoting thirty-eight years to the district as a counselor. Prior to her years in the Dallas Independent School District, she taught Psychology/Human Development and Master Student at Richland College.
She is a licensed professional counselor with the State of Texas. Pastor Gloria has counseled students, groups, and individuals. Her greatest joy comes from counseling individuals who are married, those who desire to be married, and helping women, men, boys and girls solve problems.
Currently, she works with the women’s ministry and plays a major role in planning the Testimonial Tea, a signature event hosted by the women’s ministry every six months. Pastor Gloria also works with the children’s ministry and marriage ministry resolving conflicts and spreading the Gospel to everyone who listens. She has traveled abroad as a messenger with a message of the Good News in London, Brazil, Portugal, and the Bahamas. God has called this vessel to use her gift to set captives free along racial and denominational lines. Lastly, she is a Kingdom vessel bringing a Kingdom message to the body.

Brazilian Church Pastor Julio Pinto
Pastor Julio B. Pinto started his ministry while still a seminarist in 1977 with The Voice of Martyrs Mission. In 1978, he was one of the founders of the Commandos for Christ Mission (MVC) that implanted churches in not yet reached areas in Brazil. He got a Bachelors in Theology at the Betel Theological Seminary in 1981, and in the same year was ordained Pastor.
In 1981, he participated in the Haggai Institute for Advanced Leadership Training in Singapore. During the following years, Pastor Julio worked at the implantation of 18 churches in missionary fields in the interior of Brazil. During this time, he led and worked for two years in Project Angola (Africa) and in the French Guyana (South America) together with Open Doors Mission, from Brother Andrews. In 1986, he completed his Bachelors in Missiology through SEMITE (Missio-Theological Seminary of MVC), of which he became the Director until his move to the United States in 1990.
Linked to Shady Grove Church (Pastor Olen Griffing) since 1984 as a missionary in Brazil, he came to the States through an invitation by this church in 1990 after the death of his first wife, missionary Leonice A. Pinto, and his second marriage to missionary Cleide F. Pinto.
In the United States, he got his Masters in Theology and Missiology (Th.M) at Fuller Theological Seminary and Bethel Theological Seminary (Rio) between 1991 and 1993.
From his first wife, Leonice, were born Juliana, Cristina, Eduardo and Raquel in Brazil, and from his second wife, Cleide, were born Elizabeth, Suzana and Filipe in the United States.
His vision as the Mission Pastor of MOCOP is to reach the unreached through different long term mission projects in Tanzania, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Brazil, India and Cuba.
Our strategy is building a relationship with autochthonous ministers and leaders, by showing the love for the souls and identifying God’s will and God's “kairos” in each project.

Children Pastor Yvonne Shuler
Yvonne Shuler grew up in church and was baptized at First Baptist Church of Lockhart, Texas, at a very young age.
As a young adult, Yvonne moved to the Dallas area where she attended Good Faith Baptist Church (GFBC), a small doctrinal church in Plano, Texas, the Reverend Billy Stimpson, was the pastor at the time. It was at GFBC that Yvonne re-dedicated her life to Christ and accepted Him as her Lord and Master. Yvonne served in several capacities at GFBC, including choir, musician, and Youth Director.
After 10 years of service, God called Yvonne to support the Mt. Olive Church of Plano (MOCOP) ministry under the guidance of Pastor Sam Fenceroy.
Yvonne has served as the MOCOP Children’s Ministry Director since 2001.
In 2006, Yvonne was licensed as a minister. She was ordained as a children’s pastor in 2009 and has held the position of MOCOP Kids Children’s Pastor since she was ordained.
Pastor Shuler is devoted to recognizing the anointing of the Holy Spirit in children and thereby advocates the training and shaping of future pastors, evangelists, teachers, preachers, and prophets in accordance with the Word of God. Pastor Shuler’s goal for God’s children, young and old, is to know God as their best friend, depend on Him in every aspect of their lives, and learn to minister to the needs of others.
Yvonne has a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Master’s Degree in General Psychology and is currently enrolled in a Doctorate in Religious Theology program which she hopes to use to help others find the path which God has chosen for them.
Alive on Purpose Ministries, Inc.(AOP) was founded by Yvonne Shuler. AOP is a ministry called to build leaders and guide individuals toward self-actualization in fulfillment of God’s purpose for them. The foundational verse for Alive on Purpose is Jeremiah 29:11.
Yvonne is a mother of two children and grandmother of three